At Dr. Tyler Heath’s we pride ourselves in moving forward with the dental health field and all of the conveniences and benefits that it’s technological advances brings. Here we will discuss Mini Dental Implants, a minimally invasive and affordable procedure we are now offering to our patients who need it.
“Since the 1980s, conventional implants have drastically changed the way we practice dentistry. Mini implants are just as their name implies, a smaller version of conventionally sized implants. They are made of the same material, and they have the same design and surface treatment. Everything about them is virtually identical, except for their size. In the coming years, I am very excited to see how much more we will be able to do with mini implants” – Raymond Choi, DDS
There are many benefits to mini implants. First is their minimally invasive surgical protocol. It is so minimally invasive that the patient, even those who are medically compromised, do well with this procedure. Because of the minimal drilling into the patient’s bone, there is little postoperative discomfort and the soft tissue healing is remarkably quick.
Another primary benefit, is the low cost. We want our patients to get what they need to be secure and comfortable with their smile. So we are always excited by new technology that makes that goal accessible for our patients. The cost of mini implants is a fraction of conventional ones and many people who would have had to make a choice to do without can now be given what they need.